Solution :
Please note that if you face the error Failed to retrieve directory listing means,kindly follow the below procedure.
1] Go to Filezilla.
2] Click on File >> Site Manager.
3] Click on the tab Transfer settings.
4] Choose the Transfer mode as active.
5] Click on connect.
Even if you face the same error,try the above procedure with the passive mode. And refer the below procedure.
[1] Click on File >> Site Manager
[2] Click on New Site option
Supply the following details
Host : ftp.domainname ( or ) ip
port : 21
Protocol: FTP-File Transfer Protocol
Encryption: Require explicit FTP over TLS.
Logon Type : Normal
User : your ftp user name
password : your ftp password
[3] Click on connect.
[4] Now you should be able to view the local system in left side and server in the right side
[5] You can now start uploading the contents in your httpdocs directory.