Troubleshooting : How to resolve FTP-Connection Time out ? Print

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Error :

Please note that the error "Connection Time out " might be due to any of the below reasons,

Soution :

i) If you haven't change the name servers of the domainname but you are using ftp.domainname in host the above error will occur.

Solution: Kindly use server ip address instead of ftp.domainname in host and check it out.

ii) If you are connecting the ftp via quick connect, you will receive the above error. Kindly refer the below procedure and proceed further.

iii) Kindly check whether the port 21 is enabled in the local system firewall. You can also check at your end by disabling the firewall.

iv) After disabling the firewall if you still receive this error in a particular system , then uninstall and reinstall the filezilla software and check it out.

Please refer the below procedure.

[1] Click on File >> Site Manager

[2] Click on New Site option


Supply the following details

Host : ftp.domainname ( or ) ip
port : 21
Protocol: FTP-File Transfer Protocol
Encryption: Require explicit FTP over TLS.
Logon Type : Normal
User : your ftp user name
password : your ftp password

[3] Click on connect.


[4] Now you should be able to view the local system in left side and server in the right side

[5] You can now start uploading the contents in your httpdocs directory.


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