Domain Pricings and Offers. Print

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Domain Pricing Details:  (CURRENT OFFERS)


For resellers and customers who are all having hosting with us:

For .com/.net/.info/.org

25 domains = Rs.9375 (Rs.375/per domain)

10 domains = Rs.3790 (Rs.379/per domain)

5 domains = Rs.1945 (Rs.389/per domain)

1 domain = Rs.450/-


For .in (Renewal)

1 domain -Rs. 469/domain.

2 to 4 domain -Rs.430/domain

5 domain pack - Rs.399/domain

10 domain pack - Rs.399/domain



1 domain - Rs.335

5 domain pack - Rs.1625 (Rs.325/domain)

10 domain pack - Rs.3000 (Rs.300/domain)


(offer for .in  new domain registration - Rs.249/domain  and for new registration is Rs.215/domain )


To activate promo offer in your domain control

1] In your .in domain control panel---->settings---->set promo,price & plan

2]Click here to set your .IN Domain Promo Pricing

3]Read the first two lines and set the price for sub resellers and customers accordingly.


Likewise for .in 3rd level also.

.tv - Rs.1370

.me - Rs.1202

.mobi - Rs. 818

.biz - Rs.530

.us - Rs.530

.name - Rs.675

.ws - Rs.610

.co - Rs.1499 - Rs.999/per year



Domain Pricing For Customers Who are not having hosting with us


For .com/.net/.info/.org

25 domains = Rs.10375 (Rs.415/per domain)

10 domains = Rs.4250 (Rs.425/per domain)

5 domains = Rs.2250 (Rs.475/per domain)

1 domain = Rs.519/-

For .in = Rs.519/domain = Rs.499/domain = Rs.450/domain



1 domain - Rs.395/-

5 domain pack - Rs.1975/-(Rs.395/per domain)

(offer for .in  new domain registration - Rs.300/domain  and for new registration is Rs.268/domain )


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